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Why Physical Activity Is Important

why-physical-activity-is-importantMaintaining an active lifestyle is an absolute must for the body. And yes, despite being in your senior years, it is still, in fact, essential. Seniors even need an active lifestyle more than ever since their immune systems are weaker, meaning they are more susceptible to illnesses. This is why healthcare professionals, as well as home health agencies in Virginia, strongly recommend exercise and an active lifestyle.

To help encourage people, especially seniors, to get their bodies moving, here are some reasons why physical activity is important:

  • It Improves Mood and Sleep Quality.

    Exercise or physical therapy in general increases your body’s endorphin production. Your endorphins are responsible for joy, pleasure, and mood regulation. They are also a contributory factor to good sleep!

  • It Prevents Muscle Atrophy.

    Your muscles are most likely to waste away or atrophy when you don’t use them. So if you wish to increase your muscle’s mass and strength and prevent them from atrophying, exercise is highly crucial.

  • It Strengthens Cardiovascular Health.

    With movement and an increased heart and breathing rate, you exercise your heart and lungs, which strengthens them and makes them more resilient. Having strong cardiovascular health also minimizes your risks of heart disease and respiratory issues.

  • It Regulates Weight.

    Getting your body moving burns calories and fat, which enables you to regulate weight and prevent weight-related conditions like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.

If you are a senior who needs a little help and assistance with exercise or physical activity, please feel free to reach out to Human Touch Home Health, the trusted home health care in Falls Church, Virginia. Here, we have home health aides and physical therapists who can help!

On top of that, we also offer skilled nursing services!

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